Fall 2019 D'Arpino Award Contest Open

Fall 2019 D'Arpino Essay Contest Now Accepting Entries

$500​ Award

Topic: ​Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence: Testable Possibilities.

Dear Participant,

Addressing the possibility that an accessible source of extraterrestrial intelligence knows that we are here on Earth, this contest asks you to answer the following questions: ​How can
we on Earth access that extra-terrestrial source? ​ Is there a scientific way to empirically test and observe whether said extraterrestrial intelligence can be experienced by us? Can you
propose a doable experiment that we can apply without causing harm to anyone? In your judgment, is there any connection between this extraterrestrial intelligence and the biblical
God thought by Christians to be that intelligent source?

  • Eligibility: Graduate Theological Union Students and Faculty members welcome.
  • Length: Maximum 3000 words.
  • Deadline: Friday, November 1, 2019.
  • Submission: Please email one copy of your entry to Lecturer Paul Houck at paul.houck@sjsu.edu ​including your name, email address, and phone number.
  • Winner will be announced Friday, December 6, 2019.

*Reminder: At least 2 essays must be received before this prize is awarded.

Emilio (*Chick) D’Arpino